Product Catalog


Complement fixation (CF) test

Q-fever CFT1 kit

(Catalog number: K1CF1)

- Q-fever CFT1 kit

Q-fever CFT1 bulk

(Catalog number: B1CF1)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by CFT 1

Q-fever CFT2 kit

(Catalog number: K1CF2)

- Q-fever CFT2 kit

Q-fever CFT2 bulk

(Catalog number: B1CF2)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by CFT2

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Q-fever ELISA1 bulk

(Catalog number: B1EL1)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by ELISA 1

Q-fever ELISA2 bulk

(Catalog number: B1EL2)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by ELISA 2

Q-fever ELISA3 bulk

(Catalog number: B1EL3)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by ELISA 3

Indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA)

Q-fever IFA1 bulk

(Catalog number: B1IF1)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by IFA 1

Q-fever IFA2 bulk

(Catalog number: B1IF2)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by IFA 2


Complement fixation (CF) test

Chlamydia abortus CFT kit

(Catalog number: K2CF)

- Chlamydia abortus CFT kit

Chlamydia abortus CFT bulk

(Catalog number: B2CF)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Chlamydia abortus by CFT

Chlamydia psittaci CFT bulk

(Catalog number: B3CF)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Chlamydophila psittaci by CFT

Chlamydia psittaci CFT kit

(Catalog number: K3CF)

- Chlamydia psittaci CFT kit

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Chlamydia psittaci ELISA bulk

(Catalog number: B3EL)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Chlamydophila psittaci by ELISA

Chlamydia abortus ELISA bulk

(Catalog number: B2EL)

- Bulk antigen for diagnosing Chlamydia abortus by ELISA


Coxiella burnetii PRS for CF

(Catalog number: 1PRSCF)

- Positive serum for CF

Coxiella burnetii NRS for CF

(Catalog number: 1NRSCF)

- Negative serum for CF

Coxiella burnetii PRS for ELISA

(Catalog number: 1PRSEL)

- Positive serum for ELISA

Coxiella burnetii NRS for ELISA

(Catalog number: 1NRSEL)

- Negative serum for ELISA

Coxiella burnetii PRS for IFA

(Catalog number: 1PRSFA)

- Positive serum for IFA

Coxiella burnetii NRS for IFA

(Catalog number: 1NRSFA)

- Negative serum for IFA

Chlamydia PRS for CF

(Catalog number: 2PRSCF)

- Positive serum for CF

Chlamydia NRS for CF

(Catalog number: 2NRSCF)

- Negative serum for CF

Chlamydia PRS for ELISA

(Catalog number: 2PRSEL)

- Positive serum for ELISA

Chlamydia NRS for ELISA

(Catalog number: 2NRSEL)

- Negative serum for ELISA


Vaccine against coxiellosis in livestock, goats and sheep

Vaccine against ovine enzootic abortion

Combined vaccine against coxiellosis and chlamydial infections in farming animals


Our company also offers research capacities and consulting services in the field of proteomics and glycomics of biopolymers of animal and plant origin.