Coxiella burnetii PRS for ELISA
(Catalog number: 1PRSEL)
Bulk antigen for diagnosing Q-fever by ELISA 1
Catalog number:
A white suspension of highly purified Coxiella burnetii cells in phase II in phosphate – buffered saline with thiomersal as a preservative. A sediment is formed after a longer period of storage. The sediment can easily be resuspended by shaking. The antigen has a titer of 40.
The antigen is used for the detection of antibodies against C. burnetii in the blood serum samples of humans and animals by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). It is especially applied for the detection of C. burnetii phase II IgM and IgG antibodies in early stages of infection and is very useful for the diagnosis of acute Q fever in endemic areas.
1×2 ml
1×5 ml
Amount upon request
Store in a dark and dry place at the temperature of +2 – +8 °C
One year from the date of manufacture.